Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Thursday, February 19

Because its Funtastic

Another revelation for D-news [www.dnews.tk]. If you havent been following whats been going on then first read this then check out the new/s stuff.

Firstly I would like to bring to your attention that D-news now is available in your in box. Just go to here and sign up and D-news will automaticly arive in your inbox, just like magic. Alternativly you can send an email to [d-news-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.au] and that will also subscribe you.

At the moment I am using yahoo as its fully magical and does everything for me, but since for some reason I dont like it, maybe because its not a proper email thingo, but it works and thats the main thing.

Another development is the new design thats I am using for D-news. Guess what? Its the same as the main site. YAY...>...

Wait theres more. Blogger has introduced an RSS/XML feed for everyones blogs, so now you can use that as syndication or use it in a news agregator.

Dont forget to check the news at www.D-news.tk for all relavent news stuffs.

Its funtastic

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