Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Wednesday, May 26

The Con is on

I would of waited till after monday to release this new but I just wanted to be first. Anyway, just read and you will find out that this documentary does not have as much credabilaty as Micheal Moore... It just goes to show that not all documentrys are created equal. infact somewould go so far as to say it was just a reality show. Also some of the affiliations created by the movie are questionable.

However most of these questions arise only becasue of expectations of some kinda great documentary ala 'bowling for columbine' and the whole 'fight the big company' and the fact that we just want more proof of how eating burgers are bad. Obviously actually going to see the movie will straighten things out... As in you will find out what the movies aim/message is.

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