Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Monday, July 19

BBC Doco to be baned by Israel

The Israeli government will lobby Australia's national broadcaster to ditch plans to screen a controversial BBC documentary on the Jewish state.

The program, Israel's Secret Weapon, asserts that Israel has used nerve gas against Palestinians and possesses an arsenal of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.

ABC Television today said the program would be screened but it had not yet been scheduled.

Israel's ambassador to Australia, Gaby Levy, said he would ask the ABC to reconsider airing the program.

Head of Israel's government press service, Daniel Seaman, said the BBC program bordered on Nazi propaganda and anti-Semitism.

It just doesnt seem right that another govt would try and stop our govt from showing a TV Documentary made by another govt's broadcaster. Arnt we allowed to decide for our selves what we watch and belive in etc...

Anti-Anti-Semetic lobbying

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