Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Friday, July 16

It was on the news

John Coward Lies.

Thats right.... But this website is apparently going to be sued or something to that effect by the fed govt.

But we dont have anything in our constitution about freedom of speach (treason (against the Queen???)), so I guess we cant realy complain. [The Australian constitution just outlines how the government should work. There is nothing in it that implys "individuals rights" (amercian type). Which is where legislation and common law come in, of course common law could override common law.... blah blah blah]

But freedom of speach is generaly excepted and I'm sure there is some common law thingo to protect individuals against this. Also Whoopi Goldberg will no longer appear in ads for diet aid maker Slim-Fast following her lewd wisecracks about President George W Bush's name at a fundraiser last week, the company said today.

Florida-based Slim-Fast said it was "disappointed" in Goldberg's remarks at last Thursday's $US7.5 million ($10.37 million) star-studded fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall in New York.

Update: the website apparently wasnt "austhorised" by someone which is the reason for the fine. But now its been authorised... But they could just move the site and domain to someone overseas...

[I wonder whats going to happen when they start regulating the internet like the real world?]

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