Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Friday, July 2

MT is officialy now crap

Turns out MT has turned to crap with pricing and licence that would make even M$ point the finger.... Anyway I use good ol' blogger which has everything sorted (including hosting). But lets say Blogger isn't enough and occasionally it isn't (or doesn't work well but you put up with it because its just easier....). You need something else. The two obvious options would be a php or ASP site running a sql database of some kind (ASP could run access....) anyway these require work and time etc, something that I don't have (which is why I just use blogger ) So we need some other alternatives (which are free):

Text Pattern

[There are many others but they are crap and are just some version of MT/other running in the back ground and you just put your details in and off you go. They are crap because they never last very long]

Blogger is simple to use and is just the best for simple but effective blogging. Its only downfall is when you want multiple pages, then you need to do a workaround like I have done. Or get a pro user account or aggregate into a php page, which is not viable (it also costs money)

Tripod has now steped up and is actually a website, but with a CMS program which is the "blog" it has everything blogger has, but you can also do more with it because you get webspage... which is more effective than just a fakey that blogger gives you. But the new thing with tripod is that you can now blog from your telephone, pictures (mms), audio and VIDEO blogging... So many features. If only the advertising wasn't so obtrusive...

The others I have no idea about but are supposed to be good. The others require php and sql support, so if you cant be bothered learning php or even thinking about it just stick with blogger. The main reason I hate PHP and sql is because of the low amount of support for it with free hosting providers, they only give you so much and limited support for the sql database/php and then its a hassle to even get the blog app to work.

Well none of this should concern me but it does because what this means is that in the future blogging with require php and sql knowledge (you don't need to know about it to make it work, but for some reason I do). Here is a link that breaks down the blog apps into a nice table (most are php/sql). Another article which is super awesome, as it breaks it down and is very thorough and consistent.

I remember now, you need to install the php and sql server (environment) in order to work with the php...

Edit: MT is crap because its no longer free and with so many other great blog apps out there why bother with MT. The others may require PHP/SQL but once you find a host for them it should be plain sailing.

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