Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Friday, October 8

Careful What You Wish For

We all want to be rich, we all want to be famous, and we all want to be powerful. Most of you spend your entire lives striving to be those things. Sounds like a great life, doesn't it? Who wouldn't want to be adored, have a seven-figure bank account, drive a Ferrari, and have a penthouse on 5th Avenue and a summer home in Capri, while banging Heidi Klum?

It sounds wonderful, but it isn't. Sure, being rich and powerful isn't exactly scrubbing toilets, but it doesn't come without its downside. Because when you're on top, you become a bigger target for all those who want to see you fall.

More money, more problems? Absolutely. So the next time you wish to be in the other guy's shoes, don't just look at the nice crocodile leather and wish his shoes were yours -- look inside his shoes to see what's making his feet stink so bad.

After all, we always want what we can't have.

This is not to say you shouldn't be ambitious. Quite the opposite. What I want to warn you about is the fact that having money and power isn't all roses. People don't know what to do with large amounts of money and power (though your local Mercedes car salesman will be more than happy to tell you what to do with that disposable income of yours).


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