Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Monday, November 1

Aussie Huey Pilots in the Shite

AN army chopper crew has been stood down after a crewman issued a very public invitation for women to "show us your tits" at the recent Indy 300 car race on the Gold Coast.

Unfortunately for the crew of Iroquois helicopter No 295, an onlooker in a high-rise flat snapped a photo of the sign displayed by a crewman as the chopper flew along the beachfront on October 23.

The image ended up on the website of the Professional Pilots Rumour Network.

The photo attracted a variety of mostly approving comments on the website's forum, including "Onya boys!!!!" and "Now how about the shots taken from the helicopter please?"

[from the news]

The pictures

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