Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Thursday, December 2

G Drive

Remember a few years back, and the whole uploading files to a virtual drive on the internet was cool, but you only got like 25megs and was basicly shit. And then they started charging and everyone stoped using it for some reason... Now Think about that whole gig of unused space in your Gmail account.... or atleast close to it (in anycase there is still a shit load of space left...) So if you combined these two things you would get G Drive. G Drive is not an official google product so it might get shutdown, but while its there why not upload some warez and send them to you friends...

Anyway you can download the virtual drive program for you computer from this link. And give your self somewhere safe to put all of that porn.

I have gmail invitations if needed [beancounting at gmail dot com]

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