Moby's Unborn Son Gay
Pop star Moby, known for his political statements as well as his music, says he'd do everything he could to make his future child homosexual should the singer ever have a family.
He's also blasting conservatives Tom DeLay, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich as "amoral/immoral" right wingers.
In an interview with Planet Out, a publication geared toward homosexuals, the musician, who is not "gay," was lamenting so-called homophobia in society when he suggested his future child should be raised to be a homosexual.
[ Not that thres anything wrong with that' ]
Moby really is a dweeb isnt he. I Just wish he'd stop writing wanky "intellectual" articles and making political "statements". Just because he is a musician he now thinks this also makes him a writer/political actvist (although his actions are hardly "active", it falls more in the realm of coffee shop politics)
Its hardly going to influence anyone. Unless there is some kind of hynpnotic/subliminal message in his music, and when you listen to it and read the words you shave your had and pretend your back in grade 8...
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