Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Saturday, May 28

Dr. Claws Face Revealed!

Remember Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget, the goofy carton with Don Adams as the voice of the cartoon rip off of his Get Smart character. Well if you ever saw this cartoon you would remember (besides every episode being the same where Penny and her Dog Brain save the day without Gadget knowing) that you never saw the villianous Dr. Claw's face. Never.

Besides the most asked question of why Penny was always with Uncle Gadget and not her parents, many people still to this day want to know what Dr. Claw looks like. When the movie adaption came out there was a big uproar that Dr. Claw's face was going to be revealed and obviously was going to be that of the actor playing him and many Inspector Gadget fans disowned the movie feeling the actor was not worthy to be the first seen face of Dr. Claw. Well that is not true.

We were sent pictures of an official Inspector Gadget action figure that was purchased at the now defunct Starlog Comic book store that was in Ridgewood, NJ. This Action figure is of Dr. Claw. NOW THAT IS A SHOPPING FIND! For years and years my childhood has never been complete. I actually watched every episode including the horrific Christmas special that was released years later. And never once did we see Dr. Claw's face. But now below lies his official Action Figure - Face and all

[ I'll get you next time gadget! ]

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