Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Sunday, July 3

e-tax Links

Here is a list of the links to download the ATO's e-tax program, if you were to actually goto the website and try and download you would have to go through about 5 pages before getting to the link...

http://ato.gov.au/content/downloads/etax05/etax2005_1.exe - Main program
http://ato.gov.au/content/downloads/etax05/etax2005_2_docs.exe - Publications and ruling
http://ato.gov.au/content/downloads/etax05/etax2005_2_cgtdll.exe - Capital Gains Tax
http://ato.gov.au/content/downloads/etax05/etax2005_2_ftbdll.exe - Family Tax Benefit

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