Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Tuesday, September 27

Pocket Mod

Its a unique way of folding paper to make a mini notebook thingy to keep you organised. And you can print it out with different things like lines or a grid or a shopping list or formulas you use a lot etc. anything and it can fit in your pocket. Best of all its free.

[ Free PDA ]

I've always used squares of paper to write stuff down on. Mainly becuase 1. I dont have the $$$ to buy a PDA and I just think its more convenient. But now I dont have to cut paper. I just fold it. Whoo. As I'm doing a bit of research on this it is evident that I am not the only one who like this approach and now I can improve my current paper system. I never knew paper folding could be so cool.

Already I feel more organised.

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