Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Saturday, October 8

Bosch, Hieronymus

Hieronymus, or Jerome, Bosch, b. c.1450, d. August 1516, spent his entire artistic career in the small Dutch town of Hertogenbosch, from which he derived his name.

At the time of his death, Bosch was internationally celebrated as an eccentric painter of religious visions who dealt in particular with the torments of hell. During his lifetime Bosch's works were in the inventories of noble families of the Netherlands, Austria, and Spain, and they were imitated in a number of paintings and prints throughout the 16th century, especially in the works of Pieter Bruegel the Elder.

Other fun facts are that its late gothic painting and he was the master of monstrous

There is a lot of weird/sureal stuff going on, I think the best stuff is the "evil" stuff as its just more interesting and not so friken happy looking... happy like jigsaw happy.

Such as a parrot with a body of a man in a blue tights eating a human with birds flying out its arse whilset wearing a green couldren as a hat.

[ scary surreal ]

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