Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Monday, December 12

John Howard not a Racist

John Howard (PM of Australia) has refused to acknowledge Australia as racist becuase 3000 people went around being racist. Considering its only .015% of the country its not much.

What happened to multi culturalism... oh wait, it never existed. It was just a bunch of people living speratly which consititues more than one, thus multi culturalism is born. Its sort of like sustainable growth... a whole lot of bullshit.

[ John Howard ]

After the interview:
JH: "Fuck mate. Can't believe I got away with that!"
PC: "Yeah, what with our detetion of asylem seekers, sinking boatloads of Indo's, refusal to say sorry to the Aboriginal populace and all our fearmongering for polital purposes, I'm suprised you didn't burst! We've taken racism to an art-form!"
JH: "That's just what I reckon, we're not racist, we're artists! Pass the tim-tams."

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