Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Saturday, February 11

Mental State Called Flow

Flow is that special time at 2am when ur assignment is due at 11am the same day and you suddenly get that second wind. Ideas flow, you actually get the assignemnt done. The anxiety over the time limit disapears. Everything just clicks and during this time you are able to tackle any problems with ease, dispite spend 3 days trying to figure out why there is a problem with AASB 6 when its identical to the old standard...

That is flow.

To find out more go to the wiki ----> below there is a link

[ this is the wiki ]

But if you want the summarised version go [ here ]

Oh and you can buy the [ book ] Or just read the stuff on the net. Which I quite frankly think is enough.

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