Friday, January 23
Monday, January 5
The First of 2004
Welcome to the new year. Now to more important matters. My website is now coming along well with the partial integration of the blog all that seems wrong with it at the moment is the fact that the table doesnt seem to react in the same way. This page is set with percentages and atm the blog is also set with percentages but I dont think its reading (as in when blogger generates the page) it well. There templates dont use tables, but some kinda html mumbojumbo or css2. In either case I have no idea how to make it work like this.
Also D-News will be coming back. Just need to get somekinda script to collect your email addresses. Also setting up a blog to archive the newsletters which will make it easyer for all :)
Also I have been working on some cartoons (ala toothpastefordinner) Mainly just one frame cartoons, at the moment its realy just a test on how to get the damn things up onto the website, CLEANLY. Well take a look at what I have done so far (its on the D-raw page) and tell me (geewhiz at beancounting dot tk) what you think. Feedback is always much appreciated.
In personal news I am just started to paint my bedroom. Havent started (cricket is on) but got most things out of my room. I always thought my room was small, but looking at how much stuff I have pulled out of there its actually a nice space (3X4) to have.