Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Wednesday, March 31

Blessing in disguise

Is Zaheers injury a blessing in disguise for india?

Zaheer out of second Test

Tuesday, March 30

Dont worry I actually did my homework

Four "white" newspapers that claim murali chuckalot is crap and shane the match fixing drug cheat is the best. It also reminds me of the propaganda that was let fly when shoaib went to australia and prior to the WC (shoaib again).



The Australian

SMH propaganda

SMH - worse...

At least we can rely on sri lanka to do something about it...

Chris must have been bored

"I can't understand why Murali is having problems only when he plays against Australia. He had problems in Australia just before two World Cup tournaments and now, just as he is nearing a crucial milestone, here they go again."

down with whitey

Saturday, March 27

# 15...

There are two things I hate in this world right now.

1. Milk and cookies
2. Formula 3000

its a pile of shit

I'm sorry but I dont have one

my non existant flash tree menu has done it again

Google Search: " flash tree menu "

french macs

The French and their stupid macs

Note: im at the bottom of the page

Recherche Google: opengi mac

funngy becuase its in another language

It would also be nice if the person doing the search could spell....

Cauta: funny stuff about oil exctraction

Welcome to the best "accounting comic" on the web

What else could you call it but the web and if its not the web what would it be

kinky osmatic all pics


Thursday, March 25

Sourav fit to hold trophy

Ganguly expected to be fit for next news conferance

Tuesday, March 23

More pick up lines that I might try

Pick-up Lines: Excuse me?

Monday, March 22

pickup lines dont work

Hey baby, if I flip a coin, what are the chances of me getting head?

Friday, March 19

Spim Means Yet Another Arms Race ->AO

Is instant messaging spam (called "spim") a real threat to the adoption of IM by enterprises, or not? Analysts seem to be playing it both ways.

The SPIM race

Broken cats live here


Westfeild Peshawar

You won't get very far, because there's a big board decreeing, in no uncertain terms, "Foreigners not allowed beyond this point." Even as you wind your way to that stage, you come across the most unreal sights. When you're pleasantly surprised by the shops openly advertising the sale of liquor, which is prohibited in Pakistan, and even hashish, which is prohibited in most parts of the world, the driver of the car, a local, tells you sharply not to get any ideas about stopping. Before disappointment sets in, you see the reason as plain as day. Just beyond the liquor stores is the famed gun market. Both sides of the road are lined by shops that have ammunition hanging like vegetables in a market. Pistols of various vintages, shotguns and the bigger stuff – Kalashnikovs and their poorer Chinese cousins – are bought and sold without the bother of licenses or permits. What's more, buyers like to test their merchandise (it's not as if there's a warranty) before they buy them, so it's not unusual to hear gunfire.

Fridges, firearms and fake shampoo

Wednesday, March 17

Dubious distinction for India

Dubious distinction for India:

"India now join Zimbabwe and Namibia in this exclusive club. Zimbabwe were the first side to do so in the series against Pakistan at home soil in 2002-03, while Namibia were at the receiving end during the 2002-03 World Cup. "

Monday, March 15

Boston.com / Business / Technology / Plumber, electrician... digitician?

Cant be botherd writting something....

Boston.com / Business / Technology / Plumber, electrician... digitician?

Sunday, March 14

Fibre: its good for your diet

The good news: TELSTRA will signal the most radical change to its national networks in 100 years as early as today with the start of a trial of fibre optic technology into Queensland homes.

The catch: Telstra would not have to give its competitors access to new fibre networks, raising questions over the ability of others to compete with Telstra for local services.

One can only imagine what will happen to the copper (for the slow people -> it will rot in the ground)

Fibre heads for home

Use your mellon....

"WHAT'S green and pink, has seeds and shatters into a million bits when you put it on your head?"

Friday, March 12

HAHAH I caught microsot using adobe...

Anyway... U can get some free posters, as made by microsoft in adobe.

Microsoft Education - Security Posters

p.s. YArrr tis good pie

Despair, Inc.

You know someone cares when you get this kinda present.

Despair, Inc.

Segway killer

Forget Segway. The future is in monowheels.

"A monowheel (or motorwheel) is one big wheel with rider and engine (if any) INSIDE its circumference. A diwheel- not to be confused with a bicycle- is two big wheels side-by-side with some sort of vehicle between them."

Motorwheels monowheels

Fake Tatoo

Want to look tough without the pain?

Well fear not as now you can buy 'sleaves' that give the illusion of a tatoo.

SleevesClothing.Com ::.

Wednesday, March 10

Free 3D pool game

its cool becuase it uses opengi and is free

mainly becuase its free

Can I play

ARS Electronica PRIX

I'm gona try and submit something to see if I win.

What I hope to do

essays :: weblogs: a history and perspective: "Weblog editors sometimes contextualize an article by juxtaposing it with an article on a related subject; each article, considered in the light of the other, may take on additional meaning, or even draw the reader to conclusions contrary to the implicit aim of each. It would be too much to call this type of weblog 'independent media,' but clearly their editors, engaged in seeking out and evaluating the 'facts' that are presented to us each day, resemble the public that Ruggerio speaks of. By writing a few lines each day, weblog editors begin to redefine media as a public, participatory endeavor."

Only so that D-news moves forward and stay interesting for me...

What I am doing

essays :: weblogs: a history and perspective: "But this type of weblog is important for another reason, I think. In Douglas Rushkoff's Media Virus, Greg Ruggerio of the Immediast Underground is quoted as saying, 'Media is a corporate possession...You cannot participate in the media. Bringing that into the foreground is the first step. The second step is to define the difference between public and audience. An audience is passive; a public is participatory. We need a definition of media that is public in its orientation.'

By highlighting articles that may easily be passed over by the typical web user too busy to do more than scan corporate news sites, by searching out articles from lesser-known sources, and by providing additional facts, alternative views, and thoughtful commentary, weblog editors participate in the dissemination and interpretation of the news that is fed to us every day. Their sarcasm and fearless commentary reminds us to question the vested interests of our sources of information and the expertise of individual reporters as they file news stories about subjects they may not fully understand."

Tuesday, March 9

Meet / Gathering / Assemblage / Agglomeration / Rally / Riot / FlashMob against higher HECS fees

There is a rally as part of a National Day of Action on 31 March at 1pm, King George Square.

Be there or be square (at King George Square).

Sunday, March 7


Concept maps are very usefull. Espeicaly when you can actually have one that is object orientated. Cmap is realy cool, you can share information/colaborate etc... and most of all the software is realy easy to use. It can also export as XML or even be hosted....

It realy is better than word... The only problem I have is that it wants to constantly update the software, which is a bit of a worry....

IHMC CmapTools - Concept Mapping Software Toolkit

Joke of the day

"Women and their Traps...."

A woman and a man are involved in a car accident; it's a bad one. Both of their cars are totally demolished, but amazingly, neither of them are hurt.

After they crawl out of their cars, the woman says, 'So you're a man, that's interesting. I'm a woman. Wow, just look at our cars! There's nothing left, but fortunately we are unharmed. This must be a sign that we should meet and be friends, and live together in peace for the rest of our days.'

The man replied, 'I agree with you completely. This must be a sign!'
The woman continued, 'And look at this, here's another miracle. My car is completely demolished but this bottle of wine didn't break. Surely God wants us to drink this wine and celebrate our good fortune.'

Then she hands the bottle to the man. The man nods his head in agreement, opens it and drinks half the bottle and then hands it back to the woman.

The woman takes the bottle, immediately puts the cap back on, and hands it back to the man.

The man asks, 'Aren't you having any?'

The woman replies, 'No. I think I'll just wait for the police.'"

What Others Are Saying About the AVGPA

"OMFG LMAO!!! this site fOkkin rOx... wha? NOOOOO MOM DONT CUM IN" - Billy McBridle, Student

The Accidental Video Game Porn Archive

Another reason why Bill Gates is the devil

NEW YORK (AP) -- If the U.S. Postal Service delivered mail for free, our mailboxes would surely runneth over with more credit-card offers, sweepstakes entries, and supermarket fliers. That's why we get so much junk e-mail: It's essentially free to send. So Microsoft Corp. chairman Bill Gates, among others, is now suggesting that we start buying "stamps" for e-mail.

Buy stamps to send e-mail

Mutants emerge in Britan

Children in a nursery were shocked when they spotted a three-headed frog hopping in their garden.

The creature - which has six legs - has stunned a BBC wildlife expert who said it could be an early warning of environmental problems.

See what happens when you have over crowding.

Puzzle over three-headed frog

Tuesday, March 2

The Family Guy To Return

Shit Yeah! Well looks like Family guy is gona come back. YAY for all for fox.

DVD: The Family Guy To Return

GI Joe

More of them funny GI Joe movies.



Another GTA game is coming out in october. Its gona be called "San Andreas". Obviously thats another city. Not much else is said, but lets just hope there is some kinda multiplayer support.




Breakout with nekid bitches


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