Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Friday, July 16

Saucy outsourcing

Are you poorly paid? Are you constatly having to make up stuff to pretend you are doing real work? Why not pirate porn and sell it in pubs...

THE COMMONWEALTH Bank of Australia seems to have hired some of the sauciest outsourcers in IT history.

The workers hired by EDS were not only using the Bank’s nice thick pipe to download porn, they were, allegedly, burning it to CD and then flogging it in brown paper bags to punters in pubs.

According to company insiders, the thrusting IT staff hired by EDS were so bored and underpaid that becoming paid peddlers of pirated porn was the only avenue open to them.

The summary

Whats funny is that CBA says it has nothing to do with them cos its EDS workers involved (out sourced), but were still crying because their stuff was being used for porn but infact CBA stuff is also outsourced to EDS. And now EDS claims that the suff used was infact "decommissioned" stuff so it wasnt even theirs.. (whos stuff is it then?) Maybe so that any charges arnt made to the company... CBA's website was down on monday.... wonder why

Criky link/fullstory

The Australian

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