Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Wednesday, July 7

Tape NOT dead

Despite long running rumours of the death of tape, solutions of various formats are employed, almost universally, somewhere in the routine, but vitally important, task of the backup or archiving of data. Tape systems continue to evolve; while their position in the data protection chain may be altering, tape technology still has a role to play in all areas of the market.

These libraries can therefore scale from solutions with raw capacities of around 29 Tb to those reaching up to 90 Pb. The extremely high slot density of the StreamLine SL8500 modular library system is designed to optimise the use of the floor space in data centres and it is claimed that the system supports “all major operating systems.

As reported

[note: tape is also still appropriate for audio repoduction...]

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