Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Thursday, October 14

I would of got away with it if it wasnt for those damn medeling kids...

WASHINGTON is pressing the Howard Government to revisit laws governing the free trade agreement, warning the deal could otherwise be delayed indefinitely.

US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick has echoed the concerns of the powerful pharmaceuticals sector, which claims amendments forced by Labor in the Senate to protect the supply of generic drugs are in breach of international trading rules.

As observers suggest the US presidential election is a factor in the hardening of America's position, the Howard Government is standing firm and remains confident the breakthrough deal will still come into force from January 1.

A US trade official said US copyright and pharmaceutical industries had "raised concerns about certain aspects of Australia's enabling legislation". "And we share some of those concerns," the official, from Mr Zoellick's office, said.

The US had not decided yet how far to dig in over the issue, which was prompted by changes required by Labor in the Senate to legislation that will enable the FTA to proceed.

"We are not prepared at this point to take a position on its consistency with Australia's international obligations," the US official said, of the amendments forced by Mark Latham.

In short: Now that Howard has full control of both houses, we can say good buy to the PBS and Local content.

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