Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Wednesday, February 9

The Sinister Ducks

Ducks Ducks Ducks, essentialy a song about ducks. Now thanks to the internet it is provided to us in a more entertaining manner. Flash.

[Note: the song is called The March of the Sinister ducks and is performed by the beared Alan Moore of the "Watchmen" variety and his crew of equally comicy friends...]


Are they so sweet?

"Sinister Ducks seem to be big this month. For those not in the know, The March of the Sinister Ducks was a single released by Translucia Baboon (also known as Alan Moore) and member(s?) of Bauhaus. I have a page on my website that shows the lyrics to said song and quite a lot of people have been ending up there from various search engines in the last few days...

This would be the Northampton magician behind such seminal works as (roughly in chronological order) V for Vendetta, Marve* sorry, Miracleman, Skizz, Swamp Thing, the Ballad of Halo Jones, Watchmen, From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (and series two) (I think I got them in order)."

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