Moon Dust = Bad
NASA has known all along moon dust was bad. But didnt keep it a secret. So there hasnt been much written on (conspiracy theory thingie...) it. People have been known to get high off moon dust. Especialy astronaughts, thats how NASA gets them to go up into space and get it. Because they are addicted. No one in their right mind would do such a thing. Unless of course they are on Moon Dust.
Thats why D-news is bringing you this special report on Moon Dust. Hopefully by getting the word out less people will get addicted to the substance known as Moon Dust. Which will also mean clearer skies at night. Becuase those "stars" in the sky are infact mines and/or refinaries. Help clear up the night sky by saying no to drugs.
[ Drugs are bad ]
[Note: This has been a paid advertisement by ILS* a division of D-Corp. (*Interplanetary Logistical Services)]
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