Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Sunday, July 24

Windows F/Vista

Windows Vista is the name of the new operating system by MS. Supposed to be realeased sometime next year (replaces XP). Their site is here. But the internet provides. And does it provide. A website called arsebiscuites.com have come up with the briliant idea of mocking this new MS mini site and its new product Vista. They call is Fista...

Bringing clarity to your world.

Today we live in a world of information, ways to communicate, and things to do. There is more you can do and even more you can discover.

This is fairly fucking obvious. Isn't it? Yes, of course it bastard is. We just like the sound of our own voices and spouting the sort or dreary, superfluous exec' speak we heard a VP use once.

Every day, millions of people around the globe are becoming overly reliant on their Windows PC to manage their increasingly sour, wasteful lives.

In today's digital world, you want the PC to adapt to you, so you can cut through the clutter and focus on what's important to you. What do you mean you'd like that yes, but all Windows seems to be able to do is allow my PC to grind to a standstill with ads and worms and when it's not asking me to update it it's crashing like a fucked junkie?

Well, we've listened to you for long enough, moaning like cunts, and we suddenly realised that if we didn't act fast and actually give you lot what you wanted rather than the purposefully slow and maintenance hungry shite you have already, we'd lose our cushy jobs and our boss wouldn't be able to by his new diamond plated house on the moon... of Jupiter.

Hence, we give you... FISTA.

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