Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Thursday, January 12

Let Go to Grow

The commodosisation of stuff... and why its bad for companies like IBM that cant compete with the high volume, low price... but thats ok becuase other companies are actually good at this (lenovo...).

"My colleague Linda Sanford has just published a book, Let Go to Grow: Escaping the Commodity Trap, co-written with Dave Taylor. The book's basic premise is that the Internet, globalization, and deregulation have given rise to an ultra-competitive marketplace in which many products and services have become commodities. It then presents a sequence of management principles not just to help a company survive the commodity threat, but actually turn it into a growth opportunity by letting go of outdated business models and management systems and bringing innovation into all aspect of the business.

I have worked closely with Linda for many years now and can attest without hesitation that when it comes to business transformation, she knows what she is talking about from firsthand experience. Linda led the successful transformation of IBM's mainframe business in the 1990s, when that business was essentially in free-fall because the industry was undergoing a major technology and architectural transition. Several years later, she similarly led the revitalization of IBM's storage systems. In between, she restructured IBM's industry and application solutions business."

[ :: AO ]

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