Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Monday, March 6

Microsofts first original idea

Has Microsoft done the unthinkable and made something original. It like a really big PDA or a small tablet pc. It is kinda chuncky, but looks like a 10" display. But if u can play halo on it and check ur email. That would be freaking awesome. Halo is a pretty cool game, was playing it last week at HN. Makes me want to get an xbox...

[ Leaked video ]

Its called origami.

Conicidentaly Intel is going to unvail UMPC (Ulta Mobile PC) 2 days before Microsoft will unvail origami.

Origami is either the OS, unlikely, as their OS's have really crap names. Or its the actual device. Making this a pheripiaral (one of those)...

Looks like it has GPS, but I'm sure that will be only available at extra $$$

So exciting.

And then you have apple to release the iVideo (iPod video) As in a proper video player. Supposedly 4"high and widescreen. Most likely it will be touch screen as well becuase there is no way u can have a device as small as an iPod a massive screen + controls... Unless u do an origami. Then u might as well carry a laptop. or some kinda tabletMac [tMac?]

If it works like the video says it will, it would be a nice device to have instead of a full blown laptop. Especialy if u carry a few gadgets. Just bundel them all up...

Anyway, probably wont be able to buy it untill sometime next xmas 2007

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