LEGO Crossbow
[ Make:Zine ]
Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...
The worlds oldest and most unfortunate Giant Galapagos tortoise named Harriet has died. At the ripe old age of 176 she (formaly a mistaken for a male for the first 100 years of her life) is/was the worlds oldest living chelonian (look this word up as your homework).
Why so unfortunate? Firstly she had the displeasure of being removed from her natural paradise in the Galapagos Islands. Secondly it was none other than Sir Charles Darwin that enslaved her and mistakenly told everyone she was a man. Secondly she has been living with Steve Irwin and his crazy family for way too long.
Finaly the suffering is over.
Dont Put your finger up its butt then
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