Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Thursday, November 24

Old people increase efficiency with Internet payments.

A Canadian man who had a credit card from a Canadian bank, which had outsourced its processing to america, didn't want his personal records to be captured by the patriot act (supposedly for terrorism). He tried sending them letters, but they wouldnt listen...

What he did: He paid his credit card off in 985 installments. Resulting in a 35 page statement and the banks system becoming jammed, and therefore having to process his transactions manualy.

This act got the banks attention. And a place in the Guiness book of world records.

"Us retired guys are the most dangerous, because we have time on our hands. You have to look for the weaknesses in their system, and I think I found it."

[ "This may be my only chance for world fame." ]

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