Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Tuesday, January 17

Man builds island out of bottles

We couldn't make this stuff up: this man, Reishee Sowa of Puerto Aventuras, Mexico, apparently grew tired of trying to live self-sufficiently on dry land, and did what any of us would have done. He built his own island out of used pop bottles. 250,000 of them, plus some construction leftovers and bags of leaves, make up "his island," though he's quick to point out that it's technically not an island by traditional standards. "You see not even the president is allowed his own island in Mexico," he says, "but technically I don’t have an island, I have an eco space-creating ship."

[ href="http://www.treehugger.com/files/2005/11/tired_of_living.php">oh and a lamp made by stacking empty glass jars around a light bulb... ]

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