Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Friday, September 29

Cat Bacon

Cat Bacon, do you eat it? Stroke it? Feed it to the dog? But someone has now invented cat bacon. Thus is the power of the to-do list.


The Ratio of Porn aka the Golden Ratio

Cripes, I think this is the pinnacle of geekness. A complete mathematical breakdown of a splooge shot to illustrate the golden ratio (PHI).

[ NSFW Link ]

Insect Plates

Laura Zindel has created some nice looking plates. Only problem is they have insects and other creapy creatures on them.


Choc Chip Pancakes & Sausage on a Stick

Here is the height of human inginuity. Pancakes, Chocolate and Sausages all on a microwaveable stick. I thought I would never see anything like this. But with the release of the Ham Stick by Hans earlier this year I am not as shocked as I should be. It looks tasty though...


Thursday, September 28

Natalie Portmans Nipple

Its been two years since the movie came out, and there was some rubbish about tapes being burned that contained some nude scenes (why tape them in the first place?...) . But finnaly someone has found an elusive nipple that was not deleted. YAY!

[ Nipples ]

Saturday, September 16

Thought Audio

Some intelectual audio that you can download and listen to. Its not really a podcast as its not a regular thingy like a blog. But there is a "featured" podcast that cycles through the programs. I have found its best to just download something you might be interested in.


Flash Goodness

v3 of 2advanced studios was named greatest flash site for the first decade of flash's existance. Yes it is pretty freaking awesome for a site circa 2001. It still works really well.

[ Nostalgia ]


Friday, September 15

Terri Irwin Takes Revenge on Stingrays The Game

This could be in bad taste, but who cares its the internet, deal with it. Or shoot some damn stingrays.

Tuesday, September 5

adidas vs Puma

"Some of the stories you hear are just mind-blowing," says Filip Trulsson, marketing manager of team sports at Puma. The Swedish-born 33-year-old has a Scandinavian sanguinity about him, and a detachment from local politics that has probably prevented him from going mad during the eight years he has spent working in this conservative countryside town. "Puma people not marrying Adidas people, Adidas and Puma gangs in the schools, pubs loyal to one firm refusing to serve workers from the other, it's all gone on here," he said, shaking his head. "But there are a lot more international people here nowadays. I think the locals take it all far more seriously than the foreigners do."

[ The Original Writeup ]

Monday, September 4

RIP: Steve Irwin

Steve Irwin died today. He was shooting some footage for his daughters TV program. And he got a stingray barb through the heart.

We'll cook some fish on the bbq in your memory.

Also I now declare the 4th of September National Steve Irwin day. And we should turn it into a public holiday. Its what Steve would have wanted.

Book Reviews of Books you havent read

Some clever tosser named Jon Swift has been posting book reviews for books he hasnt read yet.

I have not actually read this book but I have heard Mr. Barnes speak about it and he sounds like a 14-year-old girl in the throes of puppy love with a bad-boy upperclassmen who sneaks behind the bleachers for a smoke. I think this is a much better attitude than that of the usual biographer who sounds like one half of a cynical, bitter old married couple constantly harping on their spouse's human flaws. Apparently, Mr. Barnes completely ignores President Bush's human flaws, which is very refreshing. In fact, in this book I don't think President Bush sounds human at all.
He's done quite a few book reviews, check it out its quite funny.
[ Amazon ]

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