eBay item 2491845989
Someone is trying to sell a shop-a-docket. It even looks like one...
Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...
The rejection hotline is an old joke now, but it lives on and since I have been too lazy to post the last couple of days I thought what should I post about... well why not post somthing good and usefull.
Give this number to someone you dont like and it will tell them you do not like them.
0419 317 446
Note: works best if they are female and you are not.
There's an old saying about rolling out a successful new product: "It always takes longer and costs more." Many company executives are resigned to this state of affairs, determined to ride out the tough phase of the new product cycle on the path to positive cash flow.
But it doesn't have to be that way. By learning from the mistakes of the past, startups can build cost-effective, successful sales teams that burn through a minimal amount of cash on the road to breakeven.
Sachin Tendulkar may or may not be available for all the Tests against Australia, but a Tendulkar show of another kind will be opening shortly for his fans. According to a report by AAP, a Hindi musical called "Main Sachin Tendulkar" ("I am Sachin Tendulkar") will be hitting theatres in Mumbai next month.
The Pongmechanik - Fascination with the original
The contrast of these two developments moving in opposite directions is interesting: On one hand is there the computer, which extracted itself from its physical operational roots to a gray box with invisible workings. The circuits in it are so small and work so fast that computation is completely separated from our perceptions. On the other hand the development of video games tries to go the opposite direction with its uses for the computer: The video game wants to separate itself from its abstract roots, and enter the phyiscal world.
Pongmechanik is an electromechanical conversion of the classical game Pong. And instead of more realistic graphics, it ever accurately to reproduces the original Pong. The user is hardly changed. However the game breaks open the Black box: What takes place in the computer, becomes again perceptible and comprehensible.
Pongmechanik is an absolutely physical game. The game is realized electromechanically, and essentially consists of four elements:
A relay computer, the mechanical movement with collision detection, the display and the acoustic components.
Element 1: The relay computer controls the game. It consists entirely of used telephone relays, no semiconductors such as transistors or microprocessors were used. Contrary to modern electronic components, all operatins are visible and audible with the relays.
Element 2: The movements of ball and racquet, as well as the collision detection take place in a metal chassis under the glass cover. Each moving game compoent has a mechanical counterpart, which is moved by electric motors. When these parts collide, contacts are closed and the relays in the computer switch the direction of rotation of the motors.
Element 3: The movement of the mechanical parts is transferred via strings and guide pulleys to the display. The display consists of two closely spaced glass plates. The playing field is painted on the lower plate. The ball, represented by a white plastic square, is moved between the two plates by black string. The raquets, represented by two white plastic rectangles, are moved by string on the upper glass plate. The score is shown by rotating discs visible through openings in the playing field.
Element 4: The sound is produced by two wooden sound blocks, which are struck by the core of two solenoids. The computer controls both solenoids.
Together, these four elements produce an exact copy of the classical Pong.
But there is more:
The game is brought to a physically understandable and comprehensible level. Added to the game is the fascination of a comprehensible mechanism. The classical video game inspires two players. Pongmechanik additionally pulls otherwise indifferent spectators into its spell. They have the liberty to investigate the mechanics of the game in detail.
Corporate and Subduded
http://graphicdesign.about.com/library/color/web/blweb9.htm - Very corporate, but with enough color contrast to be visually appealing.
http://graphicdesign.about.com/library/color/web/blweb20.htm - Water and sand.
http://graphicdesign.about.com/library/color/web/blweb21.htm - Think Halloween.
http://graphicdesign.about.com/library/color/web/blweb30.htm - Color 1 for background, color 2 for text color 3 for headers (small text)
http://graphicdesign.about.com/library/color/web/blweb49.htm - Clean and Corporate, but friendly. Also like evening stars and sky.
http://graphicdesign.about.com/library/color/web/blweb50.htm - Energetic colors that don't overpower.
http://graphicdesign.about.com/library/color/web/blweb58.htm - Cutting Edge Yet Professional
http://graphicdesign.about.com/library/color/web/blweb60.htm - I call this combo "sharp dresser"... adding deep brown rich tones as a margin works very well too..
http://graphicdesign.about.com/library/color/spot/blspot10.htm - This color combination gives an environmental feel to any piece. It can be great for a (environmentally friendly) corporate feel when used full strength and with heavy applications. This combination can be particularly effective if you screen back the black to 50% (or use PMS Cool Gray 9) and reverse some text out of the PMS 5777.
This little tool takes all of the decision making out of picking colours. Just pick one colour and you will get 6 other colours that will match it.
More colour matching but really advanced, with brightness control and saturation. Can also view how it would look with ppl eye dificulties...
From Portland, Oregon take I-5 South to the Wilsonville exit. Head East off the exit on Wilsonville Road. Wanker's Corner Saloon & Cafe is located right off of Wilsonville Rd on Main Street.
CSS image rollovers using only one image and there is no preloading required.
This little web app creates the columns that u want but in CSS and without tables...
Layout Generator
In my country there is problem,
And that problem is transport.
It take very very long,
Because Kazakhstan is big.
Throw transport down the well,
So my country can be free.
We must make travel easy,
Then we have big party!
In my country there is problem,
And that problem is the Jew.
They take everybody's money,
They never give it back.
Throw the Jew down the well,
So my country can be free.
You must grab him by his horns,
Then we have big party.
If you see the Jew coming,
You must be careful of his teeth.
You must grab him by his money,
And I tell you what to do...
Throw the Jew down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
Then we have big party
Throw the Jew down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
Then we have big party!
The highlights.... (Note: I have tried to keep the pedophile/baby jokes to a minimum)
What is so great about shagging twenty five year olds?
There's twenty of them.
How do you get a gay man to shag your girlfriend?
Shit in her cunt.
What's blue and fucks grannies?
What can turn a fruit into a vegetable?
What do you say to a woman with two black eyes?
Nothing. You've told her twice already
What's got 4 legs and goes 'Woof'?
A cat doused in petrol
"Do you know what? I could have sex with any woman in this pub".
"Oh yeah? How's that then?"
"I'm a rapist".
A boy was upstairs playing on his computer when his grandad came in the room and sat down on the bed.
"What are you doing?", Asked the grandad. "You're 18 years old and wasting your life! When I was 18 I went to Paris, I went to the Moulan Rouge, drank all night, had my way with the dancers, pissed on the barman and left without paying! Now that is how to have a good time!"
A week later, the grandfather comes to visit again. He finds the boy still in his room, but with a broken arm in plaster, 2 black eyes and missing all his front teeth.
"What happened?", he asked.
"Oh Grandfather!", replied the boy. "I did what you did! I went to Paris, went to the Moulan Rouge, drank all night, had my way with the dancers, pissed all over the barman, and the beat the crap out of me!"
"Oh dear!", replied the grandad. "Who did you go with?"
"Just some friends, why? Who did you go with?"
"Oh!" replied the grandad. "The SS."
A bloke rings in sick to his workplace His boss asks "How sick are you",
To which he replies " well i`m in bed with my sister right now".
A guy steps into an elevator and notices a nice looking girl is in it.
He leans over and says, "Can I smell your cunt?"
"Of course not!" she screams back at him.
"Oh - then it must be your feet" he replies.
2 women walking home pissed from the boozer dying for a piss. Whilst walking through the graveyard they decide to answer the call of nature. Alas, our intrepid ladies have no toilet paper. One of the ladies uses her knickers to wipe herself with and throws them away. The other, trying to be move resourceful, finds a ribbon from a nearby wreath that had been left on a freshly made grave and uses that.
The next day, the husbands are talking. One says to the other "We better keep an eye on our 2 birds, mine came home last night with no knickers on" The other husband replies "you think that's bad? Mine came home with a card hanging out of her arsethat said "From all the lads at the station,we'll never forget you...."
And finnaly a summary...
Corpses cant say no
Its pirate day again this sunday. And to mark the festivities with picture of a pirate cat (it only has one eye).
Reverse Link
hahahahmmm... This is a case mod with a difference. Its a reverse case mod. Instead of taking regular house hold objects and turning them into computers (toasters, desks, lunch boxes. Etc), this guy has taken a computer and turned it into a regular house hold object. More specifically a book shelf.
http://www.e-messenger.net/ Clip this to the side nav for easy link to
msn anywhere. The first version was a java applet, but this new
version is Flash.
In conclusion it is still a great way to use msn when the msn
application is forbiden.
The information contained in this email and any files transmitted with
it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual
or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email
in error please promptly notify the sender by reply email and then
delete the email and destroy any printed or other form of copy.
Additionally, if you have received this email in error, you must not
disclose or use this information in any way.
This is a very detailed page on how to argue as noted by the great pirate, Maddox.
Its a seach engine which filters the results of the cheapest price for the searched product.
Went to see the Corporation yesterday. It is a documentary about corporations. In a nut shell its about how corporations are not held accountable for their actions when it comes to social goods. Since I am 2/3 through my accounting degree its not realy new, and if you just read the newspaper once in a while you would know whats going on. So the documentary is kinda summary/overview of whats going on. The best part was proberly the interviewes, which made it very credable. It also looks at how far governments are willing to go to protect these corporations.
This is a flash animation in the same frame as a BBC kids program or playschool over here. But has a twist which makes it not safe for kids (just like gayschool on JJJ).
University of Nigeria - World Leader of Ethical Business Studies
"Our students are among the best and brightest in the world. They are the ones who mastermind business ventures. They are the ones who will control the lives of billions around the world."
We had a lot of feedback when we asked last week for your ideas about the value of psychometric tests in recruitment and HR. We started the debate in BOSS in August with a column by our regular management debunker, Harry Onsman. You can read a selection of those letters at our Snap Poll Feedback page, but here's one from Paul A Whitelaw, Senior Lecturer in Hospitality Operations, School of Hospitality, Tourism and Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law, Victoria University, Melbourne:
I read Harry Onsman's article on Personality Tests with some bemusement and disquiet and am taking you up on your offer to write to you.
Whilst envious of his good fortune, I also appreciate Harry's constraints in writing for BOSS; limited space, need for a punchy title, keep it bright and breezy, yet get the key message across and so on. As such, I shall let the academics and pedants critique his article. However, there are some aspects that warrant a response.
Firstly, when it comes to personality and psychological measures, the preferred terminology is "inventory", test implies pass or fail, when we all know full well that there is no such thing as a failed personality. Further, Harry seems to be trying to have two bob each way. He starts off suggesting that personality assessments or inventories are acceptable for some jobs (read predictable or even mundane) because you can use an individual's personality type to predict this type of behaviour.
However, he seems to suggest that management positions are short, varied and fragmented and often interpersonal and therefore beyond personality. But there has been more than 80 years of research into personality which clearly identifies that some people have a natural personality preference for stable, repetitive type work, while others have a natural personality preference for short, varied and fragmented and often interpersonal work. There has been a lot of research into personality and job and career selection, much more than what Harry implies.
The general consensus is that in some situations (specific jobs and management positions), personality can offer a reasonable prognosis of job performance. However, the most common acknowledgement among researchers is that personality shapes our work style, rather than determines exactly how we perform - there is ambition after all (which is another personality trait). Just look at the diversity, yet commonality amongst your list of 25 top leaders. (Published in BOSS in August).
Perhaps the real issue here is misuse of these instruments on a number of fronts. Citing bad practice and abuse by others is not a valid argument against the instruments. To the best of my knowlege, the serious instruments (and I include the Myers-Briggs in that group) were developed to help the person doing the assessment, not to help the employer select a potential employee. In fact, the use of such instruments to employ people is clearly inappropriate and unethical. As such, issues about fakeability are somewhat spurious.
If successful employment is about getting the right person into the right job (to the mutual benefit of the employee and employer) then the use of such instruments is clearly counter productive because they encourage people to fake it. Trying to fake your personality is the equivalent of lying about a particular job skill - eventually the pressure of work and your lack of competence in the skill will catch you out. Faking a personality inventory is like deceiving your tailor; you may impress him with your faked athletic physique, but the suit made to those specifications won't fit you. You may be interested to note that we are seeing the emergence of performance based, unfakable instruments in recent years.
The first of many networking FAQ's. This one is based on the book 'Effective Networking for Professional Success: Making the Most Your Personal Contacts (Better Management Skills Series) by Rupert Hart, Stirling Books, 1996 (ISBN: 0949142093)'.
This little web app scans IRC channels and lets you see what the IRC community is looking at.
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