Opinionated news exctraction for all by that geeky accountant type guy...

Thursday, February 26

3D Desktop

What if windows were translucent so that you could see the multiple windows you're working on at the same time? What if you could tack a note to yourself right on the Web page you're viewing? What if your CD or movie database became a 3D jukebox, where titles were joined with images to make finding what you want easier than ever?

I have wood just thinking about a 3D desktop.

Project Looking Glass

Note: 3D desktops are not three times better than D-news.

p.s. sign up for D-news and get the second version of D-news

p.p.s. get a news agregator to get the thrid version of D-news

p.p.p.s. See D-news can compete with 3D.

p.p.p.p.s. Maybe I could call it 3D. I doubt there would be much confusion....

Oral sex linked to cancer

Note: Clicking the link will not give you cancer

Oral Cancer

15 Years later

Its been a while since India and Pakistan have played cricket. This is a run down of whats been happening.

And we all know who will win....

Wisden CricInfo


The three wise monkeys' names are Mikazaru (Hear no evil), Mizaru (See no evil) and Mazaru (Speak no evil).


Well that protest has certainly got the attention of the media....

Anyway, u know that door, ppl were trying to get into has now been turned into a "construction site" and they have put bright orange fencing around it. It could also be that they just broke the door and it genuinly needs to be fixed....

Also just so u know, there wernt many ppl there. But because they publisised it so much, it just seemed like it.



Well that protest has certainly got the attention of the media....

Anyway, u know that door, ppl were trying to get into has now been turned into a "construction site" and they have put bright orange fencing around it. It could also be that they just broke the door and it genuinly needs to be fixed....

Also just so u know, there wernt many ppl there. But because they publisised it so much, it just seemed like it.



Well that protest has certainly got the attention of the media....

Anyway, u know that door, ppl were trying to get into has now been turned into a "construction site" and they have put bright orange fencing around it. It could also be that they just broke the door and it genuinly needs to be fixed....

Also just so u know, there wernt many ppl there. But because they publisised it so much, it just seemed like it.


Monday, February 23

MSN Search: toothpastefordinner cartoons -- More Useful Everyday

I am #6 on a search for toothpastefordinner cartoons

YAY. more drawings

someone trying to pass off D-news as their own

Fucking morons taking my stuff. Why dont you fuck off and die...

Another thing your website sux.


fiz.box - www.fizbox.com

Protest against paying for stuff....... I mean increased HECS

Just so you know this is not a riot where you get to loot and take stuff for free in "protest"

If you dont want to pay more HECS than you already do, then come on down to QUT to protest against any increases etc. It starts at 3:30. oh and its on the 25th. [yahoo calander thing]

Also at about 11:30am there is a free BBQ which is also on the 25th. [again with the yahoo calander thing]

(As you can see I am making use of the yahoo calander funtion)

Sunday, February 22

Free Movie - Resivour Dogs

Tomorow (24/2/2004), the casion is screening for FREE "Resivoir Dogs" by Quinten Tarentino it starts at 7pm in the livewire bar. I will proberly not go because it proberly wont be that comfortable and I can rent it out for $1, and transport (train) is $3.80, but just so u know there is a free movie every Tuesday at the casino.

Click here to add to your Yahoo calender

I have also added this to the Yahoo calender on D-news so check it out, I think you can also add stuff but u have to sign up for the newsletter first :)

Friday, February 20

3d Chalk paintings on the pavement

This guy can paint, just look what he does with some chalk and a slab of concrete. It would be funny to paint a big whole in the ground....

Urban Legends Reference Pages: (Sidewalk Paintings)

Thursday, February 19

Because its Funtastic

Another revelation for D-news [www.dnews.tk]. If you havent been following whats been going on then first read this then check out the new/s stuff.

Firstly I would like to bring to your attention that D-news now is available in your in box. Just go to here and sign up and D-news will automaticly arive in your inbox, just like magic. Alternativly you can send an email to [d-news-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.au] and that will also subscribe you.

At the moment I am using yahoo as its fully magical and does everything for me, but since for some reason I dont like it, maybe because its not a proper email thingo, but it works and thats the main thing.

Another development is the new design thats I am using for D-news. Guess what? Its the same as the main site. YAY...>...

Wait theres more. Blogger has introduced an RSS/XML feed for everyones blogs, so now you can use that as syndication or use it in a news agregator.

Dont forget to check the news at www.D-news.tk for all relavent news stuffs.

Its funtastic

iCapture - your site through the eyes of Apple's Safari browser.

If you ever wanted to know what the web looked like through a Mac then fear no more. Now just wait for the screen shot. Also good if you're a webmaster who has a soft spot for MacFools.

iCapture - your site through the eyes of Apple's Safari browser. Oh, and IE now too.

iCapture - your site through the eyes of Apple's Safari browser.

If you ever wanted to know what the web looked like through a Mac then fear no more. Now just wait for the screen shot. Also good if you're a webmaster who has a soft spot for MacFools.

iCapture - your site through the eyes of Apple's Safari browser. Oh, and IE now too.


So I wasnt lieing that I would make it into a newsletter as well.

Subscribe: d-news-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.au
Unsubscribe: d-news-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com.au

or vist >http://au.groups.yahoo.com/group/d-news/join

Theres even a stubscribe box, I'm using Yahoo becuase I cant find anyother free newsletter services that are as good.

Also if you want to contribute news send it too the usual email.

And just in case you didnt know, I also got the XML feed setup so you can use it in your favorite news agregator.

Yahoo! Groups : d-news

OutKast: Flat out lied to everyone

OutKast's number one hit "Hey Ya" includes the "shake it" line as a reference to the motion that amateur photographers use to help along the self-developing film.

But in the "answers" section on the Polaroid Web site, the company says that shaking photos, which once helped them to dry, is not necessary since the modern version of Polaroid film dries behind a clear plastic window.

The image "never touches air, so shaking or waving has no effect," the company said on its site. "In fact, shaking or waving can actually damage the image. Rapid movement during development can cause portions of the film to separate prematurely, or can cause 'blobs' in the picture."

CNN.com - Polaroid warns buyers not to 'shake it' - Feb. 18, 2004

"I dont understand?"

MORE than 30 Australians have sought asylum in the US. At least two Australians have been granted asylum in America after complaining they faced religious, racial or political persecution in Australia.

Four other Australians await the outcome of US asylum applications. Privacy reasons prevent authorities detailing specific arguments used by Australians for asylum, but it is known Aborigines have made official complaints to US diplomatic staff claiming racial persecution in Australia and allegations of genocide.

Human rights lawyer Julian Burnside, QC, said the Australian applications came as a shock, but Aboriginal claims of persecution could well be entertained by US immigration courts considering asylum.

"I can understand how some Aborigines might complain of a fear of persecution," he said.

NEWS.com.au | 'Persecuted' Aussies flee to US (February 19, 2004)

They used to be kids

An Oxford engineering student was surprised but undaunted when he was approached to deliver a series of lectures in Beijing on global economics.

Matthew Richardson knew "next to nothing" about the subject but, believing he would be addressing a sixth-form audience, he felt he could "carry it off".

Mr Richardson, 23, borrowed an A-level textbook entitled An Introduction to Global Financial Markets from a library and swotted up on its contents on the flight from London to China.

From it he prepared a two-hour presentation, believing he had to deliver the same lecture several times over to different groups of students over three days.

Mr Richardson, who has the same name as a New York University professor who is a leading authority on international financial markets, was met at the airport and taken straight to a conference centre where, over lunch, "the horrible truth became apparent".

Its funny becuase u look like the old guy.....

Wednesday, February 11

What is the internet?

What's the value of the internet and what should we be doing with it? Well a good plan starts here: World of Ends

Star Wars 4,5 and 6 to be released on DVD in Sept.

Star Wars" creator George Lucas has finally relented, after insisting the three movies wouldn't be released until the final "Star Wars" hits theaters in May 2005.

The set (details like pricing are still unavailable) will include four DVDs, with the fourth disc containing a brand-new two-hour documentary.

The DVDs, which are certain to be blockbusters, are also certain to be controversial: Despite pleas from "Star Wars" fanatics all over the world, these DVDs will not contain the original theatrical version of the movies.

New York Post Online Edition: entertainment


A disturbing flash animation on war (also reference to the current war)


Make peace not war

We are all going to die

Slightly more serious topic this one. And its bascily about the end of the world, no not from aliens or asteriods or the sun exploding, somthing with more probability of happening

Just skip the first secion and start reading at "what is "Peak Oil"?"


Just something to think about

Tuesday, February 10

Get support

www.PetitionOnline.com - Free Online Petition Hosting

Want to bitch about something, but everyone keeps flaming you on message boards? Just start a petition.

Superpoo used to explode superloo

The superloo has exploded, and the suspect is still at large.

He is a male, with hair and wearing jeans and a t-shirt, may have facial har. But the most distincitve feature is his ability to shit so much that it can make the 'superloo' explode. Watch out, as the man is dangerous and may be able to produce farts....

Shit thats funny

Old saying proved wrong

Remember the two headed child with the wicked photos, well sadly she died.

Doctors had warned after the surgery that the girl would be at great risk of infection or haemorrhaging.

"We knew this was a very risky surgery, and now we accept what God has decided," Rebeca's father, 29-year-old Franklin Martinez, said at a news conference with his wife. "Rebeca is no longer with us physically, but no one will forget her."

Baby with two heads dies after surgery - World - www.smh.com.au

MP3 player that blows the competition away: Literaly

A BRITISH-based company is selling MP3 players which can be attached to an assault rifle. The "AK-MP3" player is built into the ammunition clip of a Kalashnikov and can be swapped with the real magazine. The device is being advertised on the internet by a Buckinghamshire-based company set up by a group of Russian businessmen who sell audio books.

It comes with enough storage space to hold 3000 audio books or 9000 songs.

Former Russian rock star Andrey Koltakov, a partner in the dotcom company offering the AK-MP3 for sale, said: "This is our bit for world peace - hopefully, from now on many militants and terrorists will use their AK-47s to listen to music and audio books."

The accessory costs $480 or $965 with hundreds of audio books loaded on to it. Those marketing it say the stainless steel body makes it "uniquely suitable for outdoors".

Kalashnikov in MP3

William Hung:

William Hung: A Real American Idol! The Online Tribute to Will Hung a.k.a. Hong Kong Ricky Martin

This guy was on American Idol, and failed. But because he is proberly the most coolest nerd you will ever find, I recomend downloading his songs (him singing other ppls songs, eg She Bangs : Ricky Martin).

If only for the laughter and to play when your feeling depressed....

make ur own ipod battery

Thats right, Those folks with ipods (u know who you are....) can make ur own ipod battery on the cheap.... Read on to find out....

Popular Science | New Battery or Bust

Road Squadron

Road Squadron - Home of the Star Wars Cars!

Yes thats right, ppl are actually modifying their cars to replicate vehicles from star was. Cant wait to get a car....

Monday, February 9

Mod this

Toothpaste for dinner

This is another good cartoon by Drew.

Wednesday, February 4

Want someone killed in Australia?


The average price for a "hit" is A$16,500 (8,800 pounds), but you can get it as cheap as A$500.

A study of contract killings in Australia has found most are not ordered by criminals, but by angry spouses and jilted lovers.

A weblog about boobies


More freaky baby shit

More freaky baby shit

Apparently a baby has been born with a second head, and the mouth and eyelids move, which means the head is actaully alive. So when they sever it off does that mean they are killing another human being?

I think the photo says it all...

ooooh cheeeeap

1337.as Hosting :: Web Hosting Solutions

only $10 for webhosting

Husband incinerated after driving car into bushfire - National - www.smh.com.au

hahah. Funny shit


Taz 1

Its a portable video/mp3 player, with a mini removable mp3 player, removable 60 gig hdd and a 4 inch screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Taz 1

Its a portable video/mp3 player, with a mini removable mp3 player, removable 60 gig hdd and a 4 inch screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Taz 1

Its a portable video/mp3 player, with a mini removable mp3 player, removable 60 gig hdd and a 4 inch screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Make it bigger....

No, not that kinda bigger, but make you url bigger
Extend your url....

Get smaller

Yes thats right, make long urls back into more managable sizes (this is noteable more usefull)

Site feed

Got a feed of D-news now, so you can use that rss feed agregator (I use feed reader)


Stay cool - moneymanager.com.au

Rule of 72
Nicole Small, the head of education with BT Financial Services, says it was Einstein who originally described compound interest as the eighth wonder of the world. In very simple terms, compound interest is the snowballing effect of earning interest on your interest each year that you remain invested.

Let's say you invest $1000 at 6 per cent. By the end of the year you will have $1060, assuming you reinvest your interest rather than spending it. Next year you'll earn 6 per cent on $1060 - about $64 in interest, ending the year with $1124.

The best bit is, the longer you let your money compound, the greater the effects will be. In this example you'll have doubled your original $1000 by the 12th year but tripled it in year 19.

There's a rule of thumb - called the Rule of 72 - that can help you work out how long compound interest will take to double your investment. Simply divide 72 by the rate of return on your investment. If you're earning 10 per cent, it will take 7.2 years to double your money; 12 years if you're earning 6 per cent.

Peter Thornhill, the principle of Motivated Money, says investors often overlook the fact that compounding also works with share investments. He uses the example of Company X, which, each year, earns a 10 per cent return on dollars invested. Like most companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, Company X doesn't pay all its profits out each year to investors as dividends. It pays half as dividends, but keeps the other half to reinvest in its business.

So if company X started the year with $100 in capital (OK, so it's a small company), it would earn $10 over the year, pay $5 out to investors and reinvest the other $5. Next year it would have $105 to invest. It would earn $10.50 in profits, pay $5.25 in dividends, and start the next year with $110.25.

You can really kick compounding along by reinvesting your dividends so that you are earning future profits on all your earnings. Many popular shares and managed funds have reinvestment facilities where they automatically do it for you.

Sunday, February 1

Boom! Anyone for whale

eTaiwanNews.com/Sperm whale explodes in Tainan City

Will post pics soon

Boom! Anyone for whale

eTaiwanNews.com/Sperm whale explodes in Tainan City

Will post pics soon

does it matter?

CNN.com - U.S. scientists create new form of matter - Jan. 28, 2004

The internet in one place


all the energy we need is on the moo, not to mention the cheese

The Seattle Times: Nation & World: Lunar helium seen as clean energy source

Swedes have too much animal sex

Nettavisen: News in English

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